Sleep in and still race! Start time is 6pm. This race is an out and back course for both the 3 mile and 6 mile courses. The 6 mile racers will run / walk the out and back course 2 times. There will be aid stations at the turn around point (1.5 mile) and again at mile 3 which will be the end for the 3 mile racers and the half way point for the 6 mile racers. This course is packed dirt roads used for farming. The course will wind through the Black Hills Farm. In the fall this land is used for corn mazes. At the time of the race the corn fields should be growing and green. This should provide a unique race experience including hot and humid conditions. Great justification for going “big” at the carnival eating awesome food. There will be porta potties at the race start.
The Kids K race will be short and sweet, no longer than ½ mile. Enough time for kids to sprint out and run back through the finish chute.
There will be prizes for male and female winners 3 deep in each distance but not in each age category. These prizes will be announced from the main stage after the race In the carnival area. Each racer, including kids, will receive a cool t-shirt. The course is not certified by USA Track and Field standard but is by Garmin standard J. This race will be timed officially. We encourage serious and casual runners and walkers to come and get a fun training session in. Please follow signs on the course. Whether going out or coming back always hug the left side of the road, keeping the orange cones on your right (Cones or markers will be in the middle of the road separating runners going out and back). This way we have no head on collisions.
Finish strong and enjoy the recovery meal at the carnival.
Runners will park in the main parking lot of Black Island Farms. As you walk to the entrance of the farm you will see registration tables for packet pick up and onsite registration. Same day onsite registrants will not receive a t-shirt that day but will receive one at a later time. This helps us keep our expenses down for not having to pre order shirts that we don’t need.
Directions to Black Island Farms:
Go west on Gentile Street. The road will turn into Bluff Street, but continue west into farmland. Gentile will end at 3000 West. Turn Right and drive north until you see the large orange water tower. Just north of the red brick home is the parking lot to Black Island Farms.
Race Timer: Stride Racing
Race registrations fees:
Kids K-$5
Same day on site registration-
Kids K-$10